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My Story
I am a Cape Town born artist, designer and storyteller. Living in South Africa for many years I had a modern African beading design and manufacture business. Travelling extensively I lived in London for several years then returning back to South Africa for a few yeas. Manufacturing and supplying numerous outlets and markets around the world, trading on markets in SA and UK. I discovered the very close link of beads and storytelling and found that jewellery and beads are a symbolic form of communication, as ancient as man himself.
Ancient and fascinating I travelled with beads for some 20 years learning how they spoke to people from all over the world and through trading with them I met all kinds of people from every corner of the earth. Direct communication with the public, beads and life bought me to storytelling. I realised that the beads were carrying stories….all life is storytelling.
I trained through the International School of Storytelling where I did autobiographical storytelling and community and storytelling. I trained during this time as a breathwork fascilitator and discovered kaleidoscopes….a dream manifest. I discovered my tools and my healing. Through this journey of self discovery I learned many techniques.
Now I am experimenting with combining these elements of beads, storytelling, breath, kaleidoscopes, writing into a new combination….I have discovered I am a collector, a connector… letting them stew together as the ingredients of soup I watch to see what will unfold.
I spent many years in London, South Africa and now my journey takes me to Istanbul where I live.
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